3 quizzes and a conclusion
one of my nieces is simply addicted to on line quizzes..
particularly the ones that are "not that normal" after using
my computer for quite sometime, she forced me to take a
quiz or two just for the fun of it (well i took three..why?i dunno?)
and here are the results:
Take this quiz!

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Take this quiz!

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Take this quiz!

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..apparently i'm a geek and one hell of a vampire..
i never thought i'd say this but its quite nice knowing that
quiz results, i mean, i am after all one of anne rice's die hard fans;
so knowing that somehow, lestat is present in my system for sometime
now is really a pleasure (it's been years since i've read her books).
well on the geek note, i don't really know any simpsons quotes but
i watch that cartoon show if that's what you're asking. i do watch loads,
or should have say "watched" loads, of anime in the past and even now.
i can even quote "quotes" from some of them, i think japanese animation
is really something to reckon with although some of them are a bit "off track"
dare i say that; but sometimes you do find rare stuff within it all..
..i'll stop blabbering now..
take a quiz sometimes, ^^,
"correct first your childish mistakes
before criticizing a kid.." - cho hakkai
*gensomaden saiyuki*
particularly the ones that are "not that normal" after using
my computer for quite sometime, she forced me to take a
quiz or two just for the fun of it (well i took three..why?i dunno?)
and here are the results:
How much of a geek are you?
Ooooooh, your a bit of a geek. Congrats. You destroy most people on Warcraft 3, you know a lot of Simpsons quotes and you probably watch ten tons of Anime. Nobody tells you that your not cool, because the fact is that you don't care. Who wants to be cool when you can be yourself?You would probably like this cool Vampire game: GO HERETake this quiz!

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What kind of vampire are you ?
You are the Lestatite Vampire. You are immortal and probably ancient and you beleive this gives you the right to pick and choose people's fates. You are confident and a born leader and other peoples rules do not apply to you. To discover your fate, live the life of a Vampire: www.life-blood.cjb.netTake this quiz!

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What is your Vampire name?
Legardored is your Vampire name.You are one hell of an insane Vampire. Anyone who messes with you is out of their minds.To use your new Vampire name and become a Vampire, go here: www.life-blood.vze.comTake this quiz!

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..apparently i'm a geek and one hell of a vampire..
i never thought i'd say this but its quite nice knowing that
quiz results, i mean, i am after all one of anne rice's die hard fans;
so knowing that somehow, lestat is present in my system for sometime
now is really a pleasure (it's been years since i've read her books).
well on the geek note, i don't really know any simpsons quotes but
i watch that cartoon show if that's what you're asking. i do watch loads,
or should have say "watched" loads, of anime in the past and even now.
i can even quote "quotes" from some of them, i think japanese animation
is really something to reckon with although some of them are a bit "off track"
dare i say that; but sometimes you do find rare stuff within it all..
..i'll stop blabbering now..
take a quiz sometimes, ^^,
"correct first your childish mistakes
before criticizing a kid.." - cho hakkai
*gensomaden saiyuki*