
i've been working w/ dell as a technician
(this is the first time that i'm going to talk
here on my blog about my work..)
i'm supporting what we call the CTS support.
basically its support for the regular dell computers..
we cater support for portables and desktops.
but lately things have change...
last march 18 dell launched the xps support to us.

yes folks..! you have read it right..!
the XPS comuters are one of the many computers out there
that are really on the "high end" basis..one of a kind.
and our site's been promoted
now we're preparing to support this computers..!
"hooray for me!"
or so i thought...
dont get me wrong ok..
i'm still working with dell and i didnt lost
my job..i'll also be on training next week for the XPS..

so why am i sighing here??
because its going to be tougher and harder
and in all honestly i'm not still that familiar with
CTS now were shifting to XPS..i'm just a bit afraid
to mess things up..
but i cant do no nothing anyway..
i'll just cross my fingers and wait for it to fire away..
some of my friends are already supporting xps
anyway and they told me its pretty much the same anyway.
the basics are the same..so nothing to worry..
well i hope..